It has been quite a while since we posted feedback but it continues to flow in:
Just a quick note to say how wonderful N was. Having her here was such peace of mind. The dogs adorned her, the house looks immaculate and she even defrosted the freezer (which I would never have asked her to do). Just a pleasure.
PS – could you provisionally pencil us in to have her again for the last 2 weeks of August next year
And 2. Thank you so much for the house sit you have just done for us. I know it was not the most straightforward with a puppy having tummy trouble (and power cut on top of it!). I was anxious about Bobbin but you put my mind at ease and I know both he and Scrumpy and Newton were in very good hands. Needless to say all is completely back to normal this week.
The house and garden were, as previously, immaculate.
Thanks again