Call 01763 262102
Fully insured Nationwide service

Sitters carry out house-sitting assignments for a variety of reasons, whether to “top up” their income or in order enjoy a different lifestyle: to see different parts of the country, meet new people and look after their pets.

Our sitters are never under any obligation to accept any assignment offered to them. If they do accept an assignment over the telephone, they are still under no obligation until they have carried out a preliminary visit (for which the client meets their travel expenses) to check for themselves what the house is like, what the assignment entails, whether they can manage the pets, exactly what the client expects of them etc. It is our policy that no sitter should take on an assignment which they do not actually feel happy about doing, but once they have decided to accept one, this makes a binding contract.

The specified duties may include dog-walking, grooming pets etc., watering plants or other household or garden duties. Sitters are not expected to deal with anything that is outside the run of everyday experience, and their duties should not take up more than a daily average of a couple of hours. If there is a complicated alarm system or swimming-pool maintenance requirement, the client should explain this fully and also leave written instructions.

All sitters are employed by us and are on PAYE. 

Every client is different: some live in grand style, others much more modestly, and all have different needs. However, we pride ourselves on our ability to match clients with sitters, and many of our sitters enjoy good friendships with the clients for whom they sit, as well as enjoying the company of their pets. 

Our sitters usually accept assignments within a radius of 50 miles of their home, however should any sitters have a wish to travel further this can be agreed at the complete discretion of the sitter. The company places sits all over the UK and sitters can request specific types of assignments.

Our sitters have full peace of mind with 24hour company back up and insurance. 

Full details regarding the nature of the work, applicant’s preferences are discussed at the interview stage.

If you would like to apply please call Minders Keepers on 01763 262102 in the first instance.

Caring for Homes and Pets since 1994

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    © 2010 Minders Keepers Ltd
    17 High Street, Shepreth, Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 6PP  –  Tel: 01763 262102 – Fax: 01763 262912